Kunstgeschichte Podcast auf Englisch: Dr Great Art Podcast 58, The Blues Got Me

The New Dr Great Art Podcast, Episode 58. The Blues Got Me. The Blues ethos as a strategy of persistence against melancholy. The Life Blues got me. I had a few slaps upside the head and they affect my art inspiration and production.
#drgreatart #markstaffbrandl #arthistory #contemporaryart #theblues

Kunstgeschichte Podcast auf Englisch: (Im)Maturity in Art

The New Dr Great Art Podcast, Episode 57, „(Im)Maturity in Art.“
Immaturity, maturity, and the desire for the latter in art and the repression of that in culture.
Link: http://drgreatart.libsyn.com/episode-57-immaturity-in-art
#maturity #arthistory #contemporaryart #markstaffbrandl #drgreatart #jamesdavidaudlin

Kunstgeschichte Podcast in Englisch: Academicism in Art

The New Dr Great Art podcast, Episode 56: Academicism in Art. An ‚academicist‘ in the arts is someone who over-idealizes the art academy; one who follows the precepts taught there and insists others do so as well. Here is a short history of academicism and thoughts about the problem now.


#arthistory #academicism #postmodernism #markstaffbrandl

Kunstgeschichte Podcast auf Englisch: Performance-Paintings

The new Dr Great Art Podcast Episode 49: Performance-Paintings. Peaceable Kingdom, Georama, Kamishibai. Edward Hicks, John Banvard, Toba Sojo. Inspirations and antecedants for my Dr Great Art performance-lecture-paintings.
#arthistory #drgreatart #markstaffbrandl #performance #painting

New Art History Podcast in English: „Artists Create New Metaphors to Live By“

My newest Dr Great Art podcast, Episode 26: „Artists Create New Metaphors to Live By“
My Artecdote this episode is the an explanation of my assertion that „Artists Create New Metaphors to Live By.“ Under the inspiration of Lakoff, Johnson and Turner’s Cognitive Metaphor Theory, I describe my assertion that artists create for themselves new metaphors to live by, by creating new metaphors to create with, which viewers can then also use to think with and live by. This I refer to as artists’ metaphor(m)s or central tropes.

Kunstgeschichte Podcast in Englisch: MIA Marietta Tintoretto

The new Dr Great Art podcast episode, 24: MIA Marietta Tintoretta. An artist who greatly needs to be rediscovered. Not only her name, but her works! Marietta Tintoretta.The daughter of Jacopo Rubusti, aka Tintoretto. Renowned as a great artist in her time, the Late Renaissance, now disappeared.

Kunstgeschichte Podcast in Englisch: Genius in Art

The new Dr Great Art Podcast! Episode 23: Genius in Art! The concept of „genius“ in art has rightly been criticized for its sexism, exaggeration and more. However, it is possible to retain its useful aspects by redefining it as the level of achieved pervasiveness of an artist’s metaphor(m).

Kunstgeschichte Podcast (in Englisch) Nr. 18 „Meaning is in Artworks Themselves“

My newest Dr Great Art podcast! Episode 18: „Meaning is in Artworks Themselves.“ The meaning of every artwork lies in the object itself, not in any commentary concerning it. Embodiment! http://drgreatart.libsyn.com/episode-18-meaning-is-in-artworks-themselves