Autor: Mark Staff Brandl
Kunstgeschichte Podcast, in Englisch:
Kunstgeschichte Podcast in Englisch: Visual Metaphor, What is It?, Part 3
The Newest Dr Great Art Podcast, Episode 64. „Visual Metaphor Part 3, What is It?“ (Chp 2)
The third of three parts of a breakdown of the second chapter from my in-the-works philosophy book for Bloomsbury Press for the „Aesthetics and Contemporary Art“ Series, titled Visual Metaphor in Contemporary Art and Analytic Philosophy. A discussion of what visual metaphor is. This is Part 3 of 3 episodes covering this chapter.
#metaphor #arthistory #visualmetaphor #drgreatart #markstaffbrandl
Kunstgeschichte und Metapher-Theorie auf Englisch: Dr Great Art Podcast, Episode 68. The Grammar of Visual Metaphors Part 1 of 3
Kunstgeschichte und Theorie auf Englisch. The New Dr Great Art podcast. Episode 66: Why Visual Metaphors Matter
The New Dr Great Art podcast. Episode 66: Why Visual Metaphors Matter, Part 2 of 3
The second of three parts of a breakdown of the third chapter from my in-the-works philosophy book for Bloomsbury Press tentatively titled ‚Visual Metaphor in Contemporary Art and Analytic Philosophy.‘ Philosophy affects our ways of living, and more important to this book, it affects or artistic production, even when we are not completely cognizant of this. Visual trope production is how contemporary artists achieve what they do.
#arthistory #metaphor #metaphortheory #aesthetics #markstaffbrandl #drgreatart
Kunstgeschichte Podcast in Englisch, The Grammar of Visual Metaphors Part 2 of 3.
The New Dr Great Art Podcast, Episode 69. The Grammar of Visual Metaphors Part 2 of 3.
The second of three parts of a breakdown of the fourth chapter from my in-the-works philosophy book for Bloomsbury Press titled ‚Visual Metaphor in Contemporary Art and Analytic Philosophy.‘ Trope: including metaphor, metonymy, simile, synecdoche, litotes, hyperbole, irony, analogy, allegory, symbol, metalepsis and so on. Visual metaphors are not linguistic, nor illustrations of them; they are more deeply embodied. Analytic philosophy and cognitive metaphor theory.
#arthistory #metaphor #metaphortheory #aesthetics #markstaffbrandl #drgreatart
LIVE Interview, Mark Staff Brandl with Illinois State Museum
Come listen to a „live“ interview online with the Illinois State Museum Lockport!
Come listen to „Over Drinks, “ with me, Mark Staff Brandl / Dr Great Art. Kayla Zigrossiwill be asking the questions and John Lustig will be John Norton
As they write: “ Join us for a live conversation hosted by John Lustig with Mark Staff Brandl aka Dr. Great Art as we talk about the „History of Napkins“ and what Mark has been up to in these times. Podcasting, Pontificating, and Pressing forward! Kayla Zigrossi will be facilitating. Grab a beverage, sketch along on your favorite napkin.“
3:00 pm / 15:00 Chicago time, 4:00 pm /16:00 NYC, 9:00 pm / 21:00 London, 10:00 pm / 22:00 Swiss and Italian and Berlin time!
On Be.Live at Facebook
Kunstgeschichte Auf Englisch: Visual Metaphor, Part 2
The Newest Dr Great Art Podcast, Episode 63. „Visual Metaphor Part 2, What is It?“ (Chp 2)
The second of three parts of a breakdown of the second chapter from my in-the-works philosophy book for Bloomsbury Press for the „Aesthetics and Contemporary Art“ Series, titled Visual Metaphor in Contemporary Art and Analytic Philosophy. A discussion of what visual metaphor is. This is Part 2 of 3 episodes covering this chapter.
#metaphor #arthistory #visualmetaphor #drgreatart #markstaffbrandl
Kunstgeschichte in Englisch: Visual Metaphor! What is It?
The Newest Dr Great Art Podcast, Episode 62. „Visual Metaphor, What is It?“ (Chp 2)
A cursory breakdown of the second chapter from my in-the-works philosophy book for Bloomsbury Press for the „Aesthetics and Contemporary Art“ Series, titled Visual Metaphor in Contemporary Art and Analytic Philosophy. A discussion of what visual metaphor is. This is Part 1 of 3 episodes covering this chapter.
#metaphor #arthistory #visualmetaphor #drgreatart #markstaffbrandl
Marc Fischer’s cool Covid-19 Lockdown project, „Quaranzine.“ I did two drawings for it. He writes, „QUARANZINE #20: Mark Staff Brandl. Today’s issue comes to you all the way from Switzerland, but when it comes to corporations trying to profit from the virus, or the challenges of teaching and doing nearly everything remotely, it’s all just a case of same shit, different country.“